This copy for Al Waseet was unique because it was something we encountered on a daily basis, and we wanted to deliver it in the most fun and creative way possible. Waleed has been searching for a job for a long time, but nothing has clicked until he downloads the Al Waseet App and, with a single click, he finds a job that he loves and excels at.
When Al Waseet came to us, they wanted to communicate what they could offer their audience, and we thought what better way to do so than to show the audience what they’re missing out on without Al Waseet and what their lives would look like in a series of 5 videos, each telling a different story but all ending with the same pleasant result, Al Waseet.
- Year: 2023
- Client: Al Waseet Kuwait
- Creative: Pimula Agency
- Director: Ziad Faid
- Cinematographer: Ihab Fares